(KORgolvida) Suffragette - The Vida Goldstein Rose is a hybrid tea with large blooms and a strong fragrance. The white-cream blooms appear in flushes throughout the season, and have a blush of pink highlights. Flowers start with classically shaped buds, open into a full, cupped form, and finish in an open, cupped shape that is pollinator friendly.
Suffragette has healthy foliage, covering the upright bush with large mid- to dark-green leaves. It’s more successful in dry climates.
This rose is named after a remarkable Australian who was instrumental in bringing about changes that allowed women to vote, run for parliament, and own land.
- Fragrance: Strong
- Height: 1.5 m
Vida Goldstein (1869-1949)
Vida Goldstein was a leading figure in the women's suffrage movement in Australia. She was also a pacifist and a social reformer who campaigned for women's rights and social justice. She eventually became involved in the international suffrage movement and advocated for women's rights on the world stage.
In addition to her work on women's suffrage, Goldstein was a committed pacifist and campaigned against World War I. She founded the Women's Peace Army, which aimed to promote peace and nonviolence. Throughout her life, Goldstein was also a vocal advocate for social reform. She advocated on issues including equal pay, labor rights, education, public health, and public control of utilities.
Goldstein ran for political office several times. In 1903 she became the first woman to stand for election to the Australian parliament, the first in the British empire. Even though she was not successful in her bids for political office, Goldstein's activism helped to pave the way for greater representation of women in Australia.