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Astilbe White

Astilbe White is a hardy, shade loving, herbaceous perennial. Flowers appear in the summer, when delicate plumes of white flowers bloom on tall, slender stems. These flowers are a favourite of butterflies and other pollinators, and add elegance to cut flower displays. The flowers are complemented by glossy green, fern-like foliage.

Astilbes are great for shady borders and planting en masse for a stunning display. Another great application is planting beside ponds and other water sources, since they are well adapted to wet and water-logged areas. In these conditions Astilbes will naturalise and quickly form clumps. Can be left undisturbed for years once planted.

Astilbes are also kangaroo and deer resistant, making them a great choice for gardeners who have to deal with these in their area.

Astilbes are easy to care for and will come back year after year. They prefer part shade and moist soils. They suit a wide range of soil types, including clay, as long as moisture is consistently available. Astilbes should be fed in the spring with a slow-release fertiliser to promote good blooms.

Astilbe White is a hardy and beautiful plant that will add a touch of elegance to any garden. With its delicate white flowers, lush foliage, and easy care, it is a must-have for any gardener with a shady spot.

  • Height: 60-90 cm

  • Width: 30 cm

  • Light: Prefers part shade/part sun. Can tolerate full sun, but only if there is sufficient, consistent moisture available.