Australian Beauty is a magnificent rose variety, created by the celebrated Australian breeder Bruce Brundrett. Bruce sadly passed away in late 2022, but leaves behind a considerable legacy in the world of roses. He will be missed.
This rose has a romantic and elegant form, with buds that open into flat rosettes of petals in soft shades of pink and peach, with light golden centres. The fragrance is sweet and delicate.
Australian Beauty is a healthy modern shrub rose with mid-green foliage and an upright habit, reaching up to 1.2 meters in height and 1 meter in width. It is also very free flowering, producing flush after flush of beautiful blooms. These are a perfect choice for cut flowers, with a bright and joyful presence that can liven up any room. The blooms would also be ideal for wedding bouquets.
- Fragrance: Light
- Height: 1.2 m
- Width: 1 m
Awards and Honours:
- 2020 Bronze Medal winner at the National Rose Trial Garden of Australia
- The National Rose Society of Australia selected Australian Beauty for the World Rose Convention (Adelaide, October 2022)