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Bare Rooted
200 mm
Pot Size 200 mm
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Introduced in France in 1942 as ‘Madame A. Meilland’. This variety was smuggled out of France prior to the invasion by Germany during WWII, with cuttings sent in haste to Italy, Turkey, Germany, and the US in an effort to protect the new variety. The cuttings bound for America are said to have been on the last plane to the US before invasion. The name ‘Peace’ was announced by the US introducers on the day that Berlin fell, marking a major turning point towards the end of the war.

This most popular rose has very large blooms of bright yellow, flushed pinkish-red at the edges, moderately scented, large blooms.


  • Fragrance: Medium
  • Height: 1.8 m
  • Width: 90 cm