Salvia microphylla 'Angel Wings'
‘Angel Wings’ is a beautiful perennial plant that is known for its gorgeous two-tone pink flowers. This Australian bred cultivar is one of the best around, and provides a beautiful pop of colour to any garden. Perfect for a path border, brightening up the front of a hedge, or in a feature pot.
The flowers are a soft pink, with vibrant pink flushes. Calyces are dark purple/green, providing a very attractive contrast. Salvia microphylla ‘Angel Wings’ blooms almost continuously, from spring through to late autumn, and even into winter in warmer areas.
Foliage is mid-green, with the small oval leaves typical of Salvia microphylla varieties.
In addition to its beautiful appearance, Salvia microphylla ‘Angel Wings’ is low maintenance. The plant is easy to care for and only requires a prune in late autumn to remove woody and twiggy stems and keep it looking fresh.
‘Angel Wings’ is tough, tolerating hot summers and light-moderate frosts very well. It can thrive in full sun or part shade, making it a great option for a variety of different garden settings.
The pink flowers of the Salvia microphylla ‘Angel Wings’ are also a favourite of bees and butterflies. These nectar-rich flowers are a great food source for pollinators, making it a valuable addition to any pollinator garden.
Salvia microphylla ‘Angel Wings’ is a a show stopper in the garden, and really brightens up an area. The easy-care requirements and pollinator-friendly blooms make it a great choice for both experienced and novice gardeners.
- Height: 80 cm
- Width: 80 cm
- Light: Full sun/part shade