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Rosa 'MEIbeausai'   -   Seduction

Released in 1988, Seduction is a Meilland bred rose and a prolific bloomer, freely producing many flushes throughout the season. One of the things that make it special is how consistently it performs, with summer and autumn flushes on par with those in spring. Unusually for a floribunda rose, Seduction's blooms also hold their shape and last well as cut flowers.

The very showy blooms are medium-large, creamy white, suffused and edged with pink, and buff yellow at the centre. They have a semi-double, cupped-to-flat form, and are borne mostly in small clusters of up to 10 blooms.

Habit is bushy and compact, with dense semi-glossy foliage in a medium green colour. Excellent disease and heat resistance.

Makes a wonderful standard, rivalling Iceberg in popularity for this purpose and for good reason.

Nil fragrance.

90cm/3ft standard.